This morning, I’d like to give you sort of a Bible study from Matthew, in chapter number two. Many of you know the story. It’s about Jesus when He’s a young boy. And then the three wise men, or we don’t know exactly, but we think there were three wise men, that came and met Him when He was young and they brought Him three gifts.
The Bible says, “They were coming to the house, they saw the young child with Mary, and they presented unto Him gifts, gold, and frankincense, and myrrh.” As I read this, it encouraged me that even from this young age, God had already established what Jesus was going to do for us. You see that gold, it’s a picture of God or Jesus’ royalty. He left His throne in heaven, and He set that all aside to come and to live among us. He robed Himself in human flesh, and He was born to die. But then we see that frankincense, that’s a picture of what Jesus Christ does for us. He intercedes on our behalf. He’s our propitiation. He’s our advocate to the Father. Jesus does for us, but then also that myrrh. That myrrh is a spice and it pictures that Jesus Christ came to die and how they would wrap his body afterwards with those spices and that’s what Jesus did for us.
He came with that purpose, set it all aside in heaven, came to intercede on our behalf, and came to die in our place. I’m thankful that from a young age, Jesus knew his purpose. Jesus came with the purpose to seek and to save those who were lost.
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Robert Simmons, C Ministry Director
Robert Simmons works on the faculty of Golden State Baptist College. He is the College Bus Ministry Director and the Men’s Dorm Supervisor.
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