One day a very simple task was given to me: Clean the kitchen cabinets. I wiped them down and rearranged our food and small kitchen appliances. I was doing absolutely fine until I started to clear out the cabinet under the sink. My first thought was, “Why is the bottom black…and wet? This is not okay.” I dug a little deeper and found a storage bin (the kind used to store shoes and other smaller things). Something was off about it. I looked deeper to see one little drop, then another, and another. “Oh man, this is not gonna be good”, I thought. It just so happened that the bin was perfectly positioned to catch all the drops. However, it was already full and overflowing into what was now a filthy, soaked mess.
In life, people often look around and find that their lives have become a real BIG mess. However, it didn’t happen all in an instant. Somewhere along the line, that person let drops of sin trickle through a leak in his life. No matter how insignificant a little drop of sin may seem, it still counts for something. What are you doing about the leaks in your life? We all have them, and some have more than others. There were three things that had to be done to the leak in the kitchen sink that can also be applied to our lives:
1. Call the Landlord
Go to God. He loves you like you were His only child! No matter how far off you have gone, His arms will be wide open to you. His love is eternal. He is faithful. Although we fail every day, Jesus never fails. Turn to God. He wants to use you in a way you could never dream for yourself. “Call unto me and I will answer thee and shew thee great and mighty things which thou knowest not” -Jeremiah 33:3.
2. Clear the Mess
I had to dump the dirty, murky water out of that storage bin. Sin is an abomination to the Lord, and we must rid our lives of it. King David pleads, “Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me” Psalm 51:10. Only God can wash all those sins away.
3. Choose the Plumber
We can try to fix the pipe ourselves, or we can call the Professional, our Creator, our God to fix our wandering hearts. He is the Landlord and Plumber in our lives. (He does an excellent job!) But it is our job to trust the Lord and give Him all the glory through song and praise. “O God, my heart is fixed; I will sing and give praise, even with my glory” -Psalm 108:1.
How’s that leak in your life? The Lord never lets our call go to voicemail. Call Him and get it fixed today.
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Charlene Ilan, GSBC Professor
Miss Charlene Ilan and her family have been faithful members of NVBC for over a decade. She is an alumna of North Valley Baptist Schools and Golden State Baptist College and now teaches at GSBC in the English and Music Departments.
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