Reaching Everyone
God commands us to go out into all the world and preach the Gospel to “every creature.” Bro. Apusen explains how to go about accomplishing that task in this article.
It Had Been Better
It is human nature to shy away from uncomfortable and unpleasant situations, but is that what we should do? Pastor Tom Apusen gives us the answer from God’s Word.
Lay Up For Yourselves
Are you laying up treasures for someone else or for yourself? Pastor Tom Apusen shows us God’s plan for laying up treasures for yourself.
One Quick Decision
God’s Word is full of examples of people who obeyed God’s instructions and those who did not. In this passage, Pastor Tom Apusen gives us an important reminder that our decisions affect our lives and the lives of our loved ones for years to come.
Living on the Winning Side
Have the difficulties and sorrows of life gotten you down? Does it seem there is no end to your troubles? In this article, Pastor Tom Apusen tells us where to look for encouragement.
The Hand of the LORD
Do you wonder why things are happening as they are in your life and in our world today? Pastor Tom Apusen gives us the answer in this timely article.
Making Missions Possible
Using principles found in Matthew 25, Bro. Apusen explains how he directs hundreds of thousands of dollars every year into missions and how we can use these same principles to use the money God has entrusted to us.
Promises, Promises, Promises
Bro. Apusen recounts the day when he chose to swear allegiance to America and become a citizen of this great land. He gives a few important reminders for anyone who has moved to our country from another land.
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