Finding Joy
Join AJ Ermita as he shares a powerful message from Psalms 37:4 about delighting in the Lord and aligning our desires with His will. Discover the key to experiencing joy in your daily walk with God and finding fulfillment in His presence through prayer, church involvement, and soul-winning. #help4today
Here Am I
AJ Ermita shares a powerful message inspired by Isaiah chapter six, reminding us to humbly respond to God’s calling with “Here am I.” Whether young or seasoned in faith, being available and having the right attitude can lead to extraordinary things in our Christian journey. #help4today
Our Banner and Whatever We Need Him to Be
Tom Apusen expounds on the names of God found in Psalm 23, highlighting Jehovah Rohi as our personal shepherd, Jehovah Jireh who provides, Jehovah Shalom for peace, Jehovah Tsidkenu for righteousness, Jehovah Shammah Who is always present, and Jehovah Nissi as our banner of victory. As Christians, we are reminded that God is the Great “I AM,” and He will be whatever we need Him to be. #help4today
His Presence
Tom Apusen delves into the rich meaning behind each name of God found in Psalm 23, showcasing how God’s character as a personal shepherd, provider, peace-giver, righteousness, and constant presence can give us comfort and assurance in every season of life. #help4today
Peace and Righteousness
In this insightful video, Tom Apusen delves into Psalm 23, highlighting the names of God and the lessons David learned throughout his life. #help4today
My Shepherd and Provider
In this enlightening video, Tom Apusen delves into the lessons David learned in Psalm 23, highlighting the personal relationship between God and His people as the Good Shepherd. Exploring the names of God, including Jehovah Rohi and Jehovah Jireh, Apusen reflects on the provision and care that comes from having a deep connection with the divine shepherd. #help4today
Introduction to a New Study: “God in Psalm 23”
Join Pastor Tom Apusen as he delves into the timeless words of Psalm 23 and uncovers the profound lessons learned by King David, a seasoned shepherd. Explore the powerful truths found in green pastures, still waters, and the unwavering guidance of the Lord in this enriching study. #help4today
Pray Without Ceasing
Robert Simmons shares a powerful message from 1 Thessalonians, urging viewers to pray without ceasing, emphasizing its importance in both moments of triumph and trials. He highlights how consistent prayer can anchor us in our faith, whether we are just starting out in ministry or nearing retirement. #help4today
Stay True to the Word of God
In this video, Robert Simmons reflects on the importance of holding on to the truths of the gospel amidst the presence of deceivers trying to lead Christians astray. Drawing from 2 John 8, he emphasizes the value of the teachings received from church, pastor, and family, urging viewers to remain faithful to the Word of God in a changing world. #help4today
He is Risen!
Robert Simmons reflects on the powerful message of Luke 24, reminding us that despite life’s trials, our hope lies in the resurrection of our Lord. Just as the disciples found comfort in the angels’ words, “He is not here, but is risen,” we too can find solace in the promise of Christ’s return. #help4today
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