Truths from the Testimony of a Prayer-Answering God
Pastor Justin Cooper will encourage each of us in today’s Bible study on prayer. None of us can say, “I pray too much.” Abraham Lincoln so aptly testified that “I have been driven many times upon my knees by the overwhelming conviction that I had nowhere else to go…”
The Goal of Christian Education
We have an incredible opportunity to train the next generation to live for Christ. In this endeavour, we must set the right goals in order to successfully educate our students. The author shows us goals that are helpful for us to set based on 2 Timothy.
Striving vs. Scorning
Striving and scorning are two methods of confrontation listed in the Bible. What are the differences between the two? What outcomes do each produce? How does one know if he is striving or scorning? The author answers all of these questions in this article.
Paul’s Ministry Example
The life of the Apostle Paul is an incredible example that Christians can follow today of a good soldier of Jesus Christ. Not only did he write many of the New Testament books, but he also showed how a faithful Christian should run the race. The author gives us many ways we can look to Paul as a model for our lives.
How to Be a Forgiving Christian
God’s forgiveness for our sins is an incredible part of our Christian faith. How is your ability to forgive others? The author includes a test in this article that can answer that question, and he also writes how we can be a forgiving Christian.
What About Sunday School?
We may remember our days of growing up going to Sunday school. The author packs a punch in this short article, showing us from the Bible how Sunday school is still important in 2020.
Is God Welcome in Your Home?
Is God welcome in your home? Most of us would say an emphatic, “Yes!” However, when we look in the light of Genesis 18, is He really welcomed? Abraham gives us a few practical lessons on what it truly means to make the Lord a welcomed guest.
Heaven’s Worship Experience
The world often takes good words like “worship” and twists them. How does the “worship” of many churches compare to what the Bible says about proper worship?
Fishers of Men
Christ’s last act before His death, His last command, and His last prayer were all focused on one task. In this article, Pastor John Evertson looks at being a “Fisher of Men” through the eyes of a fisherman.
How Important Is the Bible to You?
Many have put their lives on the line for the Word of God throughout history. Even today, some would give anything for a single page of Scripture. The author has a simple question in this article: “How important is the Bible to YOU?”
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