Are They Better?
Are you a teacher? Are you a parent? In this article, Mrs. Jeana Sousley challenges all teachers to make their students better.
Thriving in the Stillness
Does this “slow down” we are in frustrate you? Are you finding it hard to sit at home and wait it out? Bro. Matt Waterhouse encourages us to find out what it is God wants us to learn during this time.
When Financial Trials Come
What are you supposed to do when finances get tight? Instead of trying to figure out what to do on your own, implement these Bible principles in this article; then stand back and watch God be true to His Word.
The Charge of the Light Brigade
“The Charge of the Light Brigade,” one of Alfred Lord Tennyson’s most well-known poems, was written mere weeks after the battle it depicts occurred. The author uses this poem to encourage us to keep on keeping on in the Christian fight.
It Will Be Okay
We know that in our lives circumstances don’t always turn out the way we want them to. In this article, Mrs. Aimee Atwood reminds us that in spite of our circumstances “It will be okay.”
Shelter in the Lord
Have you been ordered to shelter in place? Mrs. Hannah Joy Reimers reminds us that the Lord is, has always been, and will always be a shelter for His children.
Lessons from a Bluebird
The author shares an applicable lesson she learned on a cold Sunday afternoon from a little bluebird.
No Wood, No Fire
Curiosity is part of human nature, as is the need for fellowship with others. But if we are not careful, how quickly and easily a friendly chat can turn into a gossip session! Find the remedy for rumors in this article.
Cheer Up
Do the events of today have you concerned and anxious? In this timely article, Bro. Craig Burcham reminds us of Jesus’ words to His disciplines, “Be of good cheer.”
Grow in Grace
Everyone has room for improvement, but who will actually work at it? This article lists several areas that could use personal growth as well as gives practical ways to improve on them.
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