Impacting Your Workplace for God’s Glory
Are you in a secular work environment? Many Christians are. This article gives four ways to conduct yourself so that you can be a representation of Christ in your workplace.
It’s Your Choice
God gives everyone a choice, whether it will be life or death, a blessing or a curse. Listed in this article are four decisions that will bring blessings.
Lines of Wisdom
Many look at wrinkles as a negative feature to have, but this article will give you a new perspective on these signs of aging.
Following the Recipe
Have you ever tried and failed at a new recipe? The product is always a result of how closely you follow the recipe. This article teaches how you can follow God’s recipe for your own Christian life.
Dinner is Served
Encouragement comes in many forms–words, notes, gifts, and even food! In this article, the author gives helpful suggestions on preparing meals for others.
Lesson from a Xerox
What lesson can a copy machine possibly teach us? The author explains in this relatable article.
Minding the P’s & C’s
You read the title right. In this short article, Miriam Chung offers a helpful and straightforward idea that was given to her years ago. It was an idea from Pastor Trieber that has reaped benefits on a daily basis. After reading and applying this article, P’s and C’s will be much more meaningful in your everyday life.
How to be an Awesome Soldier in the Army of God
We may not be required to enlist in the armed forces, but as Christians, we are tasked with being a “soldier of Jesus Christ.” So, how exactly is a woman (or a man) supposed to do that? Joy Flint examines the centurion’s characteristics and looks at how we too, can be an “awesome soldier.”
Consider the Heavens
When faced with the immensity of creation, what is man? In the grand scheme of things, of what consequence are we? The author explains how studying the night sky taught her about God’s amazing love.
Memories of a Church Planter’s Wife – Part 2: Piano Player Needed
Have you have ever felt inadequate or insufficient? What can a piano synthesizer teach us about church planting and reliance on God? Mrs. Aimee Atwood continues her series on “Memories of a Church Planter’s Wife,” and as you read this article, you will be encouraged.
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