Evidence of the Grace of God in the Home
The evidence of the grace of God in the home is certainly becoming rarer in our society. It would be easy to pass the blame on others, but Dr. Nikoley reveals who deserves the blame in this article.
Answers for Your Marriage
Since the beginning of the COVID-19 shutdown, the number of divorces has increased. Dr. Hans Nikoley and his wife, Mary, have been married for 59 years. Here he gives us some biblical advice for a strong marriage.
Toxic Masculinity?
Toxic masculinity is a term that the world uses frequently, yet it has a different meaning to a Christian. Pastor Justin Cooper presents us with seven types of men that represent masculinity according to the Bible.
Essential or Nonessential?
This last week, all “nonessential” businesses were shut down to prevent the spread of COVID-19. If you are not a part of the “essential” workforce, you have been commanded to stay home. Does that make you feel unimportant and nonessential? In this encouraging article, Pastor Justin Cooper reminds us that you are definitely essential in God’s eyes.
Impacting Your Workplace for God’s Glory
Are you in a secular work environment? Many Christians are. This article gives four ways to conduct yourself so that you can be a representation of Christ in your workplace.
Why Do I Celebrate Valentine’s Day?
Pastor Trieber is going all out for Valentine’s Day, including buying his wife a huge diamond ring?!? What else does he have planned? Read more and find out.
The Best Gift
The annual challenge of finding the perfect Christmas gift for your loved one can be a daunting task. Pastor Cooper tells us the greatest gift we can give to our family–and it’s free!
Promises, Promises, Promises
Bro. Apusen recounts the day when he chose to swear allegiance to America and become a citizen of this great land. He gives a few important reminders for anyone who has moved to our country from another land.
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