Ever feel low? So low that you could spit on the floor and slide under the door? While this saying is quite humorous, there is a ring a truth to it. Everyone goes through ups and downs. Whether in your marriage, parenting, ministry, or job, all of these have good days and bad days. When the bad days come, what do you do? Throw in the proverbial towel? Take your toys and go home? I hope not. My prayer for you and myself is that we encourage ourselves.
Life is not easy, and a smooth road was never promised. Life is about challenges and overcoming those challenges. In the midst of these, we must encourage ourselves. One well-known Bible passage is found in I Samuel 30:6 where “…David encouraged himself in the Lord.” But there are other examples found in scripture as well. Judges 20:22 states that “…the men of Israel encouraged themselves…” In II Chronicles 31:4, Hezekiah commanded the people in the area of sacrifice so that they “might be encouraged in the law of the Lord.” According to the Word of God, it is possible to encourage yourself. Here are a couple of basic ways I have been taught to encourage yourself.
Your Bible – Read it, or have it read to you. Several free apps have an audio KJV Bible. There is a calming effect for our spirits that comes from reading God’s Word and hearing it read.
Your Song – Good music, “psalms and hymns and spiritual songs,” ministers to the spirit. Listen to the words of those old hymns and look up the story behind the song. Some of the most popular hymns were written in the midst of tragedy.
Your Schedule – Do what you are supposed to do. Be where you are supposed to be. Often a bad decision or a heartache will occur when you are not where you are supposed to be. We all know that bad days do not last forever, so stay in your spot. Sticking to your schedule may be an encouragement to someone else when they see you where you are supposed to be.
Your Conversation – Your first conversation on your road to encouraging yourself should be with your Savior. He was “in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin.” (Hebrews 4:15). The next should be to your spouse and your pastor. Be careful not to talk too much of your troubles, lest you discourage others or give ammunition to the enemy. When those troublesome days invade our life – and you know they will come – may we be like David of old, who “encouraged himself in the Lord.”
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Miriam Chung, Christian School Teacher
Mrs. Chung grew up around the work of the ministry and now has the privilege of teaching at the North Valley Baptist Schools. She and her husband faithfully teach young people and are a vital asset to the ministry of NVBC.
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