“What a friend we have in Jesus,” I hope that will be our prayer today as we just heard the song. And you know what? It’s important that we bring everything before the Lord. Another reason why it’s important that we sing these songs, these psalms, these spiritual songs, these hymns—you know one of the reasons why? Because it reminds us of the importance of prayer.

The Bible tells us in 1 Thessalonians chapter 5, verse 17. In fact, you don’t even really need your Bible for this, it’s really easy: “pray without ceasing,” non-stop. Anytime you get ready to sing a solo or a special, whatever it is, pray before. Anytime you get up to sing, whether it’s in a choir, you name it. Always pray.

I love what some of the guys do right next to my piano before every service. They’ll pray before the service ever starts. The importance of prayer. I love our songs, I love the Psalms, I love the hymns, I love the spiritual songs we sing here that we have on our hymnal because it talks about the importance of prayer. We have songs such as “Sweet Hour of Prayer.” And so always remember the importance of prayer. Music plays a big role, especially in our prayer.

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Caleb Galvan

Caleb Galvan, Church Pianist

Caleb Galvan serves as North Valley Baptist Church’s pianist for services. He also teaches many music classes and gives personal piano lessons at Golden State Baptist College.