Every love story is beautiful, but mine is my favorite! This quote is not original with me, and I would imagine many reading this article have this very quote hanging someplace in your home; but, it is the truth, isn’t it? If we will be honest, we are all coming off our recent “Hallmark Christmas Movie” binge where every, or almost every, movie has the same storyline. Although our husbands, fiancés, or boyfriends will never admit watching them with us, they can tell you what most of them are about. Do I have their attention now? If you don’t have your own love story as yet, I am certain you are either writing one right now or hoping to in the very near future.
One of my favorite “love stories” in the Bible can be found in the book of Genesis. I love reading the events that took place as Abraham sends his eldest servant to find a wife for Isaac. Certainly, in this era in which we live, we very rarely hear of a father choosing the mate for his son or his daughter. If you are reading this and you have a teenage or college-age child, you might be thinking this is a very good idea; however, in all our years of ministry, it doesn’t work out very well for the parent or the child and creates more issues than I could list.
Abraham gave his servant some criteria for his search for a wife for Isaac. In Genesis 23; 3 and 4, Abraham did not want a wife for Isaac from the Canaanites: “Thou shalt not take a wife unto my son of the daughters of the Canaanites, among whom I dwell,” but sent him to his country and to his kindred. While we do not choose our children’s mates for them any longer, we must teach them from their earliest days the importance of marrying right. The best way for our children to find God’s choice of a mate is to pray about it. When your children say “I do,” you’re done! You will continue to love them and be a blessing to them in more ways than you can count, but you no longer have the ability to tell them what they must do or how they must do it. With God’s help, your children can marry right. They can begin as children to pray about the one whom God is preparing for them. Certainly, you as a parent began to pray before they were even born.
I see several things about this servant and his adventure to seek a wife for Isaac:
1. The servant approached this task prayerfully.
(Genesis 24:12-14) He made known his request and was very specific in what he asked from the Lord.
I love my quiet time with the Lord. In this Mary and Martha world in which we live, we must set aside time every day to spend with the Lord. The Scripture tells us in Psalms, “ Be still and know that I am God.” I love to read and mark my Bible (I have different colors of pencils for different topics–blue for heaven, red for love and the blood of Christ, black for every time I read about “ the man of God” (I think it’s a masculine color), and so on. I think you get the idea and can create your choice of colors for your Bible reading.
I also keep a very detailed prayer journal. I have pages of what I pray for on a daily basis, a weekly basis, and so forth. At the beginning of every week, I write additional requests that I am beseeching the throne of God about. It is such a thrill to go back through my journal and note how and when God answered that request (I highlight the date and the answer). As I type this article, yesterday I asked God specifically for several items, and every request was answered! I weep many times as I see how God takes care of me and my family through the avenue of prayer.
As you begin 2020, let me encourage you to start a prayer journal and keep your quiet time with the Lord as an appointment. It truly is THE most important part of your day. The old devil will fight you “tooth and nail” for this time–trust me!
2. This servant waited and observed.
(Genesis 24: 13 and 14) He noticed her reputation was chaste, courteous, helpful, industrious, and trusting (all the qualities you would certainly desire for your child’s mate).
You and I never know who might be watching us, observing our behavior, our love for the Lord and for others, our church attendance, our attitude, and our faithfulness to what God has called us to do.
Someone IS watching you! Be a pattern of the Proverbs 31 lady for another girl or lady in your church and ministry.
Be patient and watch what God will do in your life and in the lives of those dearest on earth to you.
3. He had an obedient heart.
This servant did exactly what he was told to do, and in return, he found that Rebekah also had a heart of obedience ( verse 58). No matter what we may encounter in our lives, our homes, and our marriages, having an obedient heart to do as God tells us to do will bring the best results.
This love story had a happy ending when the servant returned with a wife for Isaac (verses 62-67).
My love story and your love story will have a “happily ever after” ending if we do things God’s way. No marriage is perfect. There are rough patches, disappointments, life changes, reversals, and countless more happenings; but we have a perfect God Who can take two imperfect people and make them “perfect together.”
You are writing your own love story. Make it one worth reading!
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Cindie Trieber, Pastor’s Wife
Born into a pastor’s home in Rockford, Illinois, Cindie (Swanson) Trieber has been in or around the Gospel ministry her entire life. She was married to Jack Trieber in 1972. For over 45 years of ministry, Mrs. Trieber has served in almost every capacity imaginable. Currently, the Triebers have three children and thirteen grandchildren.
Thank you for sharing sister. I don’t know what God’s desire, purpose, or plan is for my life concerning this subject, but I will trust in God!
Yes ma’am, as you said obedience to God’s commandment is the key !!
Thank you so much !!