Every year, my brother and I like to go out and blow things up with a .50 caliber rifle. This thing here will pretty much destroy whatever it hits. You see, before I was given the .50 caliber rifle to use, I was taught how to use a rifle and how to shoot.
Too many times, I’m afraid, we give our children a phone without teaching them how to use it. You see, this can be very destructive, but also this can be very, very destructive. This week on “Help for Today”, I hope to give some tips that will teach you and will help you as you teach your children or yourself how to get your cell phone to not destroy you. Here on “Help for Today”, I trust this will be a blessing to you.
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Mike Moyer, Media and IT Director
Brother Moyer finished his undergraduate degree at Golden State Baptist College in 2000. After earning his master’s degree in 2001, he joined our staff in the graphic design department. He now oversees all the ministry technology, which has grown to include all ministry websites, live streaming, Revival Time radio broadcast, KNVBC Radio, IT Department, sound ministry, and much more.
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