Christmas Music You Can Trust & Enjoy 24/7
Listen to a great variety of classic Christmas favorites you know and love 24/7 on!
The Birthday of a King
During this wonderful time of the year, we have been enjoying hearing Christmas specials that lift up the One Who Christmas is all about: Jesus. We hope you enjoy this song by the Guided by Grace ladies group.
Christmas Music You Can Trust & Enjoy
Listen to a great variety of classic Christmas favorites you know and love 24/7 on!
Music, a Vital Part of Your Life
Biblical music is a vital part of the Christian’s life that can do much to foster spiritual growth in every believer.
Praise The Lord
In these days of shutdown, we might find ourselves complaining about our circumstances, but here Mrs. Sandie Slye reminds us that we are to praise the Lord at all times.
Holy, Holy, Holy
On this Sunday, we hope you are blessed by Bro. Alvin Martinez singing, “Holy, Holy, Holy.”
Bold and Brave
Do you ever feel that your service for the Lord is just a small task, that it is rather unimportant, that it probably doesn’t make any difference to anyone else? Mrs. Miriam Chung explains here just how a great an impact even seemingly small jobs can have on the life of another.
No New Thing
Ecclesiastes 1:9 says, “There is no new thing under the sun.” In this article, Mrs. Joy Flint reminds us that nothing in life is new.
A Biblical Guide to Worship
We see the term “worship” frequently used in this modern age of Christianity, but do we understand the meaning of the word according to the Bible? To prevent error, we must understand what Scripture has to say about this subject. This article sheds some light on proper biblical worship.
The LORD Is Good – The Enraptured Song of His Goodness
In part 3 of the series, “The Lord Is Good,” Bro. Craig Burcham looks at the song each of us should be singing because of His great goodness. This short article will help put a song in your heart and a praise to our God.
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