Answered Prayer in the Midnight Hour
Have you ever needed God to work a miracle in the midnight hour? As Mrs. Tabitha Fanara relates here, God still works miracles, even in the midnight hour.
Just Listen
Do you sometimes feel that God isn’t listening to your prayers? In this article, Mrs. Cherith Flood reminds us that the problem might be that we’re just not listening.
Every born-again believer has the privilege of being a member of God’s family. In this article, Bro. Oxendine examines some adoption rights that we receive from the Lord through the process of adoption.
Prayer; the Christian’s Primary Fellowship
Prayer is needed now more than ever. As Pastor Cooper describes in this article, prayer is an awesome privilege but also a command. Have you prayed today?
Teachings from the Thorn
Thorns may be painful, but God can use them to teach us valuable lessons. Pastor Cooper shares some truths about thorns in this brief article.
The Heavens Declare
In this brief article, Mrs. Chung recounts a time when God brought great peace to her fearful heart while a child, and how this memory produces hope in her life today.
Three Attributes of an Availing Prayer-Life
There may be certain things that a Christian cannot do, but every Christian can and should pray. Pastor Cooper shares the necessity for an availing prayer-life in this brief article.
Dos and Don’ts for the First-Year Teacher
Mrs. Morris, a professor at Golden State Baptist College, shares six dos and don’ts that she learned in her early days of teaching.
Attributes of Awakening
There is no doubt we are in great need of a spiritual awakening in this generation. But how is a revival like we have read about possible? Pastor Justin Cooper presents three attributes for a genuine revival in this article.
Traits of a Great Sunday School Teacher – Part 2
In this article, Bro. Andrew Reimers recounts a Sunday school teacher he had as a child that still stands out in his mind today and the traits that made him great.
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