Hello, friends. It’s a July 4th weekend. You can see behind me the flags. They’re running down Golden Avenue here. They’re all throughout the building. They’re everywhere. We love America, and America has been hijacked.
You know, coming up this month of July, 60 years ago, it was ruled that the Bible and prayer needs to get out of the school. Well, how did that work for us? It’s not working. We have a president right now, never one time, in my knowledge, in three years, nearly three years, as you mentioned, reading, writing, arithmetic. It’s all unrighteousness and social issues. We’ve got a crowd up there that votes for everything he wants and how to mutilate bodies and how to destroy children and how to have abortions and how to cause America to be weak militarily.
But I tell you what, we don’t need to have revival meetings. We need to have a revival Sunday morning, 12 noon, right before that, just getting right with God, God’s people. We don’t have to have brochures. We don’t have to have a program. It’s all there.
“My people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked way, then will I hear from Heaven…” I wish you a wonderful July 4. These are great days. Very hot here in Santa Clara, California. Yesterday, today, for a couple more days. And then it should be cooling down.
Let’s live for God. Let’s beg God for America for revival in our churches, preaching the word. So let’s have church Sunday morning and Sunday night this week. Let’s have a prayer meeting this week. God bless you. Have a wonderful week. And God bless America.
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Pastor Trieber
Pastor Trieber has served as the pastor of the North Valley Baptist Church since March of 1976. He is also the President of Golden State Baptist College.
Good morning Pastor Trieber. Happy Independence to you, your family and church family and to all Americans. Love listening to your preachings and the revival time. God bless you more with good health. This world needs Pastor like you who is bold and not ashame to preach the whole counsel of God. Love listening to all your church services too. God bless you all.
Rose from Winnipeg, Canada