I love the holiday season of Thanksgiving and Christmas—the decorating of the house, the traditions our family has for each holiday, and the events that surround these holidays. What I don’t love is the stressed-out feeling that can come with the season.
Here are a few tips that can help you enjoy this coming holiday season:
1. You can’t participate in every event! Make a list at the beginning of the season as to what you would like to do. Our family has several traditions that we love to do together that make the holidays a special time for us. As the season goes on, new things will always come up. Make sure you look ahead to see if this added event will add stress to your family or if it is a time you will be able to enjoy together.
2. Everything doesn’t always have to be bigger and better. Sometimes we feel as if this holiday season has to be better than the previous years and that if we can accomplish this, we will enjoy the holidays even more. Not every gift has to be grander than last year’s, and not every event has to be better than the year before. When my children reflect back on the holiday season, it’s not the gifts they talk about the most, but the things we did together that made it so special.
3. Spend time with the people who matter the most to you. Don’t get so caught up in planning for everyone else that you miss the time with your loved ones. If planning a cookie exchange or ladies’ night out will take time from those you love and just add stress to your life, DON’T DO IT! It’s okay to say, “No, that won’t work for my schedule.” If you have children in your home, enjoy this time with them. Make it special for them. Too soon they will grow up and leave home, and we will long for the days to have them back in our home to help decorate the tree and make cookies for the neighbors.
As we approach this holiday season, enjoy the time with family and loved ones, and do not wish the holidays away! Remember, ‘tis the Season to be Jolly!
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Tabitha Fanara, Christian School Staff
Tabitha (Trieber) Fanara has worked alongside her husband, principal of NVBS, for nearly 15 years. She grew up at North Valley as a pastor’s kid and has seen ministry from all sides. The Fanaras have four wonderful children. Mrs. Fanara also oversees the nursery department at NVBC.
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