I entered his class for the first time as a fourth grade boy. I did not realize at the time that my new Sunday school teacher would make a lasting impact on my life. He was a carpenter with strong, rough hands, a deep voice, and a kind spirit. Each week, he and his wife faithfully stood and led our class in singing. He taught many Bible lessons as well as practical life lessons. But his life and example have been what has stood out to me as an adult man.
He not only was a solid layman in our church but he also faithfully served the Lord as a Sunday school teacher for decades until he went to Heaven. He stands out in my mind as a GREAT Sunday school teacher.
Each Sunday school teacher must realize that his students will watch his life on a weekly basis. A teacher that develops good habits in the following traits will better be able to transfer the truth of the Word of God as he stands to teach each week!
Being a Sunday school teacher is not a forty-five-minute responsibility on a Sunday morning. The commitment required goes far beyond that. A Sunday school teacher that will make a difference in the lives of his students prepares daily for the Sunday morning class hour. Attending the weekly Teachers’ Meeting, praying for each student, reading the Bible and studying the text for the lesson, writing down notes and illustrations that the Holy Spirit brings to mind, contacting absentee students, knocking on new doors out soul winning, and enrolling new students to the class roll are all essential weekly activities for the Sunday school teacher.
Arriving to your classroom early, preparing the chairs, making sure the temperature is right, and turning on bright, gospel music are all important ingredients to seeing your class hour begin properly. For the Sunday school teachers at our church, we ask that they arrive thirty minutes before Sunday school begins so they can be prepared and ready to welcome their students as they arrive.
Perhaps the greatest thing a Sunday school teacher can do for his students is interceding on their behalf. Some students may be lost and without Christ; some may be spiritually cold or lukewarm; and some may be living for the Lord. Regardless, each of these students needs a teacher dedicated to praying for his life. In addition to the students’ needs, a teacher should pray for the class hour, the lesson delivery, and the invitation or decision time of the class hour. As Sunday school teachers, would we mirror the example of the prophet Samuel when he said in I Samuel 12:23, “Moreover as for me, God forbid that I should sin against the Lord in ceasing to pray for you: but I will teach you the good and the right way”!
My fourth grade Sunday school teacher possessed these and many more key traits, and I believe they certainly helped characterize him as one of the greats. What a testimony! If you are a Sunday school teacher, may I encourage you to take inventory of yourself and your ministry? Are you doing all you can to make a difference for Christ in the lives of your students?
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Andrew Reimers, Sunday School Director
Having grown up in a wonderful Christian home, Brother Reimers was saved at an early age. After high school, he moved from Meriden, Connecticut, to attend Golden State Baptist College in 2009. Following graduation, he married his wife Joy and joined the church staff as Director of North Valley Publications and the Sunday School.
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