Perhaps more than any other day in the month of February, there is not another met with as much anticipation and avid involvement by adults and children alike as that of Valentine’s Day. Though planning and purchasing might be precipitated by the cartoon cupids beckoning from storefront windows or by the stronghold of boxed chocolates blocking every turn, the true value of the day is sustained—to express love and appreciation for those closest to our hearts.
Warning: Mrs. Cindie Trieber, please do not read beyond this sentence.
I’ve written this article in advance of Valentine’s Day, and I have already purchased many items for my wife—
· A brand new Lexus SUV
· A huge diamond ring
· A $1,000 Macy’s gift card
· A $1,000 cash gift
· Three dozen roses
I am relieved that Cindie has no idea of these gifts. She might feel compelled to give me more than socks, cologne, and handkerchiefs this year!
In all seriousness, however, I do hope that the meaning of Valentine’s Day will be manifested in our words and actions on February 14.
I recently received an e-mail asking if Christians should celebrate Valentine’s Day. “Is it Scriptural?” the sender wondered, to whom I now answer, “No.” There is no specific Scriptural basis for the day, nor is there any specific Scriptural basis for being the only person to neglect one’s spouse on Valentine’s Day. We cannot find Scripture for this holiday or for other thoughtful and appropriate deeds such as holding a door for a lady or eating with our mouths closed, yet we practice them.
Then why should we observe Valentine’s Day? I remember this day because of one single word—love. I love my wife, our children, their mates, our grandchildren, the people of the North Valley Baptist Church, and so many others and, like you, anticipate opportunities to express that love often. Valentine’s Day presents a special opportunity for all of us.
I will never forget the day I met with a husband and wife on the verge of divorce. The wife said that, in twenty-five years of marriage, her husband had never remembered her on Valentine’s Day, on their anniversary, and on her birthday. The husband apologized and promised to change; however, for the wife, it was too late. I wonder, my friends, how Scriptural is it to get a divorce? Go celebrate Valentine’s Day.
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Pastor Trieber
Pastor Trieber has served as the pastor of the North Valley Baptist Church since March of 1976. He is also the President of Golden State Baptist College.
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