Hello and welcome to Help For Today. Our passage this morning comes from Joshua chapter 24, verse 15. The thought I wanted to share with you is the power of a choice. There are many examples of choices in the Bible. Adam and Eve made a choice to disobey God and led to sin passing upon all men. Ruth made a choice to follow Naomi, which led to many blessings and her being part of the lineage of Christ. Daniel purposed in his heart that he would not defile himself with the king’s meat. He made a choice. We are presented with choices each and every single day.

The power of a choice falls to us to choose to live right in God’s eyes. May I challenge you today to choose to live for God, to choose to go the extra mile, to choose to pass the extra track, to choose to knock that extra door out, to choose to live righteously in God’s eyes. Choosing to follow God may not always be the easiest thing, but it is the most rewarding, as Joshua declared, “But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” Remember, each day is filled with choices and opportunities to please God, whether it’s in the small decisions or the big decisions, the life-changing ones.

Let’s strive to choose to live for God and please Him every single day.

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AJ Ermita, NVBS School Teacher

AJ Ermita joined North Valley Baptist School as a kindergartner and later graduated from there. He has since returned to teach a variety of classes, including a host of media classes.