The Father
In this brief doctrinal article, Bro. Oxendine shares three thoughts relating to God, our Heavenly Father.
Natural Arguments for God’s Existence
We’ve heard a lot of people say to “follow the science” in recent months; however, the scientific field often rejects biblical accounts. In this article, Bro. Oxendine shares four arguments for God’s existence from nature.
Understanding Sin
Before a person can truly be saved, he must understand his lost condition and need for a Savior. In this article, Bro. Oxendine shares the origin and result of sin so that we can have a proper understanding of sin.
Every born-again believer has the privilege of being a member of God’s family. In this article, Bro. Oxendine examines some adoption rights that we receive from the Lord through the process of adoption.
God Has Revealed Himself to Puny Man
It’s amazing to realize that the Creator of the universe has revealed Himself to mankind. Bro. Oxendine tells us why man needs a revelation from God and how He is revealed.
What Is Faith?
What exactly does the word “faith” mean? Bro. Lankford Oxendine shares the definition, importance, and how to increase our faith in this article.
The Attributes of God – Part 2
In Part 1, we focused on the absolute attributes of God. In this article, Bro. Oxendine investigates God’s comparative attributes.
The Attributes of God
Attributes are those characteristics or qualities that are an inherent part of someone. It’s vital that every living soul learn God’s attributes to truly know, love, and worship Him. Holiness When dealing with God, holiness is perfection, absolute purity, and having no sin. “Because it…
Baptismal Regeneration
Is baptism required to go to Heaven? What does God’s Word really teach about this matter of eternal life and death? Take a moment to read this brief doctrinal article.
How to Study the Bible – Part 8
Bro. Lankford Oxendine concludes his series on how to study the Bible by explaining the hermeneutical concept of Sensus Plenior.
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