Place Your Hand in the Nail-Scarred Hand
In this heartfelt video, Jack Trieber shares the story behind the song “Place Your Hand in the Nail-Scarred Hand,” written by McKinley in 1924. Despite facing a severe storm, McKinley stayed at a Sunday school convention, where he was inspired to write this powerful song. The lyrics remind us to find comfort, trust, and salvation by placing our hand in the nail-scarred hand of Jesus. #Help4Today
In this video, Jack Trieber talks about the importance of kindness as a biblical term and how it relates to our lives. He emphasizes the need to be kind to one another, forgiving and tenderhearted, just as God has shown kindness to us. #help4today
In this uplifting video, Jack Trieber reminds us of the immense love that God has for each one of us. #help4today
In this video, Pastor Jack Trieber shares about the concept of justification and its meaning in his life. He emphasizes that being justified does not mean erasing sins, but rather being declared righteous by God. #help4today
In this powerful video, Pastor Jack Trieber reminds us of the importance of mercy, a word mentioned 269 times in the Bible. He encourages viewers to extend mercy and kindness to others, just as God has shown mercy to us. Let’s make it a wonderful day by being merciful to all those around us. #Help4Today
New Help4Today YouTube Channel
We are pleased to introduce the brand-new Help4Today YouTube channel. All new Help4Today videos will be uploaded there, so be sure to subscribe today!
Discover the power of God’s grace in your life as we explore the abundant and unmerited favor He extends to us. #Help4Today
Determined to Know Only Jesus Christ
Find encouragement and guidance in this powerful message by Jack Trieber as he emphasizes the importance of focusing solely on Jesus Christ amidst the challenges of daily life. Discover the key to finding purpose and fulfillment by rooting yourself in Him. #Help4Today
Finding My Life Verse
Join Jack Trieber as he shares the story of how he discovered his life verse after years of searching and the impact it has had on his journey. #Help4Today
Rules and Relationship
Today, Pastor Trieber dives into Romans 12:2. Discover how this powerful verse helps Christians break free from the bondage of this world and be transformed by the renewing of your mind. #help4today
Walk in Truth
Join us in walking in truth today, just like 3rd John verse 4 reminds us. As a pastor and shepherd, the greatest joy is to see our church and family walking in truth. Don’t get sidetracked or sidestepped, stay focused on the path of truth. #Help4Today
Colossians 1:18
Join us as we look at the significance of Colossians 1:18, our church verse. Let’s remember that in all things, God should have the preeminence. It’s not about us or our problems, but about lifting Him up and making Him number one in our lives. #help4today
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