God Hears and Answers Prayers
Emory Fuller discusses the importance of praise and prayer as he delves into Psalms 138, highlighting the psalmist’s devotion to praising God with their whole heart. Through heartfelt prayer, the psalmist experiences God’s strength and answers, encouraging viewers to reflect on the times God has answered their prayers and to offer praise for His goodness. #help4today
Great Things He Hath Done
Emory Fuller shares a powerful reflection on Psalm 135, highlighting God’s sovereignty over creation and His history of delivering His people. He expresses gratitude for God’s work in Israel’s past and his personal salvation from sin, looking forward to the ultimate victory yet to come. #help4today
God Is On Our Side!
Join Emory Fuller on Help4Today as he delves into Psalm 124, revealing the power of God’s protection. Discover the contrast between a life without God and the abundant blessings of having the Lord on our side, bringing hope and deliverance in times of trouble. #help4today
God Keeps Us!
Emory Fuller reflects on the powerful truth from Psalm 121 that God is our keeper, preserving and protecting us from all evil. Just as he once had a Rottweiler puppy that grew to protect him, he emphasizes the greater comfort in knowing that the almighty God watches over us. #help4today
God Sees Us!
Join Emory Fuller on Help4Today as he explores the powerful truth in Psalm 113 that reminds us of the greatness and glory of God. Discover how the psalmist beautifully portrays God’s attention to us on earth, emphasizing the comforting fact that God sees and cares for each one of us. #help4today
Seek Wisdom and Counsel from the Lord
Caleb Galvan emphasizes the importance of seeking counsel from the Lord as the ultimate counselor who knows us inside out and is always available for help and guidance. #help4today
Seeking Wisdom from the Elderly
Caleb Galvan encourages viewers to seek wisdom and counsel from the elderly, highlighting the importance of learning from those who have walked the path before us. #help4today
Seeking Counsel from Your Parents
Caleb Galvan highlights the importance of seeking counsel from parents, regardless of age, as a Biblical principle for a well-lived life. Drawing from the example of King David and his son Solomon, he emphasizes the blessing that comes from honoring and obeying parents in all stages of life. #help4today
Seeking Counsel from Your Pastor
In this enlightening video, Caleb Galvan delves into the importance of seeking wise counsel, particularly from pastors, as highlighted in Proverbs 13:20. #help4today
Seeking Counsel from Wise Advisors
Caleb Galvan emphasizes the significance of seeking counsel from wise mentors and advisors, quoting Proverbs 11:14. He highlights the importance of having experienced counselors for making crucial decisions in life, underscoring the value of safety and guidance in following the right path. #help4today
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