Splinters or 2’ by 4’s
What can a splinter and a 2’ by 4’ teach us about sin in our lives? Read this article to find out.
Let the Sun Shine Again
Spring is here! The days are becoming longer, and the blossoms are peaking out. In this brief article, Mrs. Slye reminds us to let the Light of the world shine in our lives.
Building Internal Character – Introduction
In this article, Dr. Hans Nikoley begins a study that focuses on three areas to build our internal character.
A Letter On Godliness
We live in a day where godliness is almost an endangered species. Pastor Cooper touches on the need for godliness in three key areas of life, as found in the epistle to Titus.
How to Build Spiritual Leaders
In this article, Dr. Hans Nikoley teaches the importance of being a spiritual leader in the home, on the job, and in the church.
The Christian’s Past, Present, and Future
It’s amazing how just a single verse or a short section of Scripture can speak such volumes to our hearts. Pastor Cooper examines one such passage and describes the Christian’s past, present, and future.
The Potter’s Hand
What type of clay are you? Dr. Hans Nikoley examines how the Potter works with different types of clay.
Break Up Your Fallow Ground
Here Dr. Hans Nikoley gives us a lesson in cultivating our hearts for our Lord.
Six Dangers of the Servant of God
As servants of God, there are many things that can get us sidetracked from doing His work. Pastor Cooper takes us through the story of the unnamed servant in I Kings and shows us several dangers we must watch out for.
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