Be Salty and Sweet
Many people enjoy food that is both salty and sweet, and as Mrs. Chung explains in this article, Christians also need to have the perfect combination of salt and sweet in their lives.
But Have You Broken The Box? – Part 1
TEXT: MARK 14:1-9 ILLUSTRATION: When the American evangelist J. Wilbur Chapman was in London, he had an opportunity to meet the founder of the Salvation Army, General William Booth, who at that time was past 80 years of age. Dr. Chapman listened reverently as the…
Good News from a Far Country
We who have the freedom to openly worship God should have intense gratitude because, as Bro. David Sloan reminds us, we have fellow-believers who would give anything to enjoy a service like you will experience this week.
A Time To Water
Without essential water and fertilizer, a plant is condemned to a slow death; with proper TLC, a plant will thrive. This article will help Christians not just survive, but to personally prosper as they grow in grace.
What Moses Learned At the Burning Bush
The lessons God taught Moses at the burning bush are still true for us today as Bro. Craig Burcham so aptly explains.
Obey Every Spiritual Impulse
If we are not careful, we relegate the leading of the Holy Spirit to just big decisions. However, as Mrs. Chung explains in this brief article, the Holy Spirit’s leading can be found in simple everyday situations.
Understanding Sin
Before a person can truly be saved, he must understand his lost condition and need for a Savior. In this article, Bro. Oxendine shares the origin and result of sin so that we can have a proper understanding of sin.
An Ornament of Grace
We are often more concerned about how we adorn ourselves outwardly, but in this article, Dr. Hans Nikoley shows us how to adorn our inward man.
A Leak in Your Life
As Charlene Ilan reminds us, a small leak in a pipe can cause major plumbing problems, a small sin can lead to big problems in your life.
Just Listen
Do you sometimes feel that God isn’t listening to your prayers? In this article, Mrs. Cherith Flood reminds us that the problem might be that we’re just not listening.
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