Go Back to Your Roots
Storms are inevitable in nature and in our lives as well. What determines whether or not we are uprooted or whether or not we survive the storm? Bro. Jim Carey tells us of his recent experience of a storm in his life and how he survived the storm.
The Heavens Declare
In this brief article, Mrs. Chung recounts a time when God brought great peace to her fearful heart while a child, and how this memory produces hope in her life today.
The Attributes of God – Part 2
In Part 1, we focused on the absolute attributes of God. In this article, Bro. Oxendine investigates God’s comparative attributes.
Three Attributes of an Availing Prayer-Life
There may be certain things that a Christian cannot do, but every Christian can and should pray. Pastor Cooper shares the necessity for an availing prayer-life in this brief article.
An Adventure in the Love of God – Part 1
The word “love” is in common use in our society today; but, as Dr. Hans Nikoley explains here, God’s Word reveals the depth of the meaning and impact of this familiar word.
Charge Your Battery
Have you ever killed your car battery by leaving the lights on? Our spiritual batteries can also be drained. In this article, Bro. Jim Carey tells us how to recharge our spiritual batteries.
Dr. Trieber Pleading with God’s People
It is extremely evident that our nation’s foundations are under attack, and the only hope for America is a revival of God’s people. In this video, Dr. Jack Trieber pleads with Christians on the importance of returning to the Lord.
Victory in the Midst of the Valley
General Eisenhower said, “There are no victories at discount prices.” This truth is even more evident in the Christian life. Pastor Cooper shares three realizations for believers to make while in a valley to have victory.
Always Obey God
In 1 Kings 13:1-22., God is dealing with a man of God. At least 15 times, he is referred to as “a man of God.” In verses 2-3, he spoke as a man of God, without fear speaking out against the Pagan altar which Jeroboam…
A Time to Renew – Part 2
In Part 1, we examined how winter is a time of forced renewal. We continue that thought in this article. Winter is a time to rest a bit. There is no replacement for the rest we receive in the night. There is no replacement for…
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