Don’t Let Life Come to You; Go to Life!
In this article, Pastor Trieber gives us the challenge to organize our goals for our family, business, health, finances, and ministry.
Answers for Your Marriage
Since the beginning of the COVID-19 shutdown, the number of divorces has increased. Dr. Hans Nikoley and his wife, Mary, have been married for 59 years. Here he gives us some biblical advice for a strong marriage.
Getting Your House Hooked on God
Houses come in varying shapes and sizes, but regardless of their physical structure, the most important thing is the spiritual atmosphere of those that inhabit the home as Pastor Cooper explains in this article.
Be Still
As Mrs. Tabitha Fanara relates in this article, sometimes we just need to be still and listen for God’s voice.
Creating a Happy Home
“Home is the nicest word there is.” –Laura Ingalls. Can your family say this about your home? In this article, Mrs. Tabitha Fanara gives us some practical tips for creating this type of home.
Learning through Failure
Have you ever been frustrated with yourself after a personal failure? In this article, Miss Charlene Ilan shares a lesson she learned after experiencing failure in her life.
“Restart” This Autumn
Regardless of where we find ourselves at the end of each season, we should take careful inventory of our lives and ministries and determine if an area requires restarting. In this article, Pastor Trieber explains how each new season is an opportunity for a fresh, new start in many areas.
Lessons Learned from the Mission Field – Part 4
Experience is the best teacher, but as Mrs. Lalman learned on the mission field, the experience of others is a better teacher.
Grow Your Roots
In this article, Bro. Jim Carey explains how to develop healthy roots in a child’s life.
Lessons Learned from the Mission Field – Part 3
Many times reality and imagination are two vastly different things. In this article, Mrs. Lalman remembers a time on the mission field that taught her a valuable lesson on perspective.
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