Are You Right With Your Bible?
What is the key to living a blessed life? Pastor Cooper shows us from Psalm 1 how being right with the Bible can lead to a successful Christian life.
Six Desirable Attributes of a Servant of God
Do you want to be an effective servant of God? Pastor Cooper shows us biblical qualities of a good servant that we can learn from an unnamed man of God in I Kings.
Three Marks of the Master’s Ministry
Jesus is the perfect example of leadership, and the Master is our model for the Christian life and ministry. Pastor Cooper examines three marks of Jesus’ ministry that need to be applied in our ministries.
Success Through the Scriptures
There are many ideas on what the key to success is in life. Pastor Cooper shows us what the Bible has to say about success and what we can do in order to obtain it.
Treasures of the House of God
God has given us a treasure in the local church, and there are treasures to be had in church attendance. Pastor Cooper gives three points and illustrations to bring this truth to light.
Avoiding the Wrong Relationships
“Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field which the LORD God had made. And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden? And the woman said unto the serpent,…
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