Rebuke a Wise Man…
Who can honestly say that they enjoy being rebuked? Most people would never raise their hands in agreement. But in this brief article, the author will write about the wisdom in accepting rebuke.
Obeying the Rules
One of the most important things a young person can learn is “obedience.” It’s of utmost importance that students learn to have the right attitude and spirit concerning the rules. Lankford Oxendine takes a look at some Biblical principles and helps that we all should implement when musing over rules.
Having a Successful Semester of Bible College
As the Spring semester begins at colleges around the country, the author gives helpful and practical tips on how to have a successful semester that will set you up for success in life.
What is Your Story?
Why are stories important? The author explains and shares her story of trying to run away from camp as a young person.
The Foolish Man
Most of us want to be known as a wise man, but all of us can slip into foolish behavior if we are not careful. Youth Pastor, David Russ, examines the attributes of a foolish man, and young and older people alike would be wise to ensure these qualities do not exist in our lives.
The Wise Man
We hear a lot about wise men this time of year. Even as we shop, we listen to songs about the “three wise men.” David Russ examines what God has to say about wise men and how to be one in this practical article for youth and Christians of all ages.
Does Your Appearance Match Reality – Social Media
The use of social media may tempt many Christians to portray themselves online to be someone they are not in person. Pastor Atwood outlines the dangers of appearance and how it can sidetrack us in our lives.
Promises, Promises, Promises
Bro. Apusen recounts the day when he chose to swear allegiance to America and become a citizen of this great land. He gives a few important reminders for anyone who has moved to our country from another land.
Forming the Right Habits in Bible College
Let all things be done decently and in order. –I Corinthians 14:40 Though success in college is sometimes attributed to charisma or talent, those things will always fail if they are not backed up by a life of character. I can distinctly remember people who were…
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