“My son, give me thine heart.”

Proverbs 23:26

We serve a God that is all-sufficient. He is in and of Himself, totally sufficient. God does not have any needs at all. He owns all things. He created all things. By Him, all things consist. God does not have needs, so I cannot meet His needs; but I do believe God has a want. I am convinced that there is something that God desires. There is something that God longs for, and I can provide it for Him!

God meets my needs. He puts food on my table and clothes on my back. He provides for my family and gives my body its life. He meets my needs faithfully. I cannot meet God’s needs, because He does not have any; however, I can meet God’s want! It is clear in this Proverb that the Father desires the heart of the son. Notice that there was already a relationship. He was already the father, but he desired more than to have a son—he wanted to have the heart of his son!

I believe we can make an application here. I am convinced that God wants my heart. He wants my desire and my dreams. He wants my aspirations and my thoughts. He wants my devotion and my love. It is interesting that the father did not ask for the son’s hands or his feet or his eyes or his ears or his tongue. I believe the father knew that if he truly had the son’s heart, the rest of the son would come in the package. If the father had his son’s heart, he’d have a better son.

May we not be quick to declare our hands for God or our feet for His service and neglect to offer God what He wants the most! The best gift we can offer God is our heart!

“Take my will and make it Thine,
It shall be no longer mine.
Take my heart, it is Thine own,
It shall be Thy royal throne.”

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