In Genesis 18, Abraham receives a visit from Divine guests. In fact, verse one tells us, “and the LORD appeared unto him in the plains of Mamre.” The verses that follow give us an idea of the spirit of hospitality that Abraham possessed, even before I believe he knew that it was the Lord that he hosted.
Most Christians would like to think we would be hospitable, if not downright gracious, if the Lord were to physically present Himself in our homes. God was welcome in Abraham’s home, and Abraham made sure of it. Truth be known, although we never visibly see Him, God wants to be welcome in our homes today! How can you make the Lord welcome in your home today?
I. Abraham Acknowledged Their Presence – Genesis 18:2
“…he ran to meet them…and bowed himself toward the ground.”
If God will ever be welcome in your home, there must be an acknowledgment of His presence. Do you speak of Him? Do you pray audibly? Do you rehearse His working in your life? If we live as though God does not exist, do not be surprised to realize God would not be welcome in your home.
II. Abraham Desired to Spend Time With Them – Genesis 18:3-4
“…pass not away…rest yourselves under the tree:”
Abraham knew what an awesome privilege it was to have the presence of the Lord in his home, and so he expressed a great desire to spend time, and more time with Him! Is anything or any time sacrificed in your life, while you are at home, to spend time with God? Most of our meetings with God are meetings of convenience and not sacrifice, thus showing no real desire to spend time with Him that does not impede our plans.
III. Abraham Got His Household Involved in Service
In verses 6-7, we find Abraham hastening to Sarah to get her to begin the meal they would share with these divine guests. Then Abraham runs out to his servants who are watching the herds and commands one of his men to butcher and make ready a calf. Everyone was getting involved in the hosting and welcoming of the Lord!
Do not leave your family to go serve God―bring your family with you to serve God! Get everyone in the house involved in service to God in some way.
IV. Abraham Gave the Best That He Had – Genesis 18:7-8
“a calf tender and good…he took butter, and milk, and the calf which he had dressed, and set it before them; and he stood by them under the tree, and they did eat.”
Abraham spared no expense as he hosted the Lord. What a testimony! God deserves our very best! Our “Sunday best” ought to be carried over into Monday and all the way through Saturday. You might not wear a suit every day of the week, but you can wear the joy of the Lord! I also see that Abraham stood by them as they ate. He continued to wait on them and make sure they had all that they needed.
V. Abraham Loved What God Loved – Genesis 18:23-33
The rest of the chapter details God’s discussion of His plans with Abraham concerning the destruction of Sodom. The passage is well known for Abraham’s bargaining with God, but what is often overlooked is Abraham’s love for souls. Verse 23 says, “Wilt thou also destroy the righteous with the wicked?” Jesus died for souls, and if He will ever be welcome in your home, yours must be a home that is concerned about the souls of men.
Is God welcome in your home? Most of us, without thinking, would say an emphatic, “Yes!” Abraham gives us a few practical lessons on what it truly means to make the Lord a welcomed guest.
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Jason Atwood, Assistant Pastor
Jason Atwood grew up in the Corpus Christi, Texas area, and in November 2006, Pastor Atwood was called to be the first pastor of Heritage Baptist Church of Corpus Christi. The church was meeting in a small one-bedroom house. God blessed, and they moved to a new 5-acre site to allow continued growth. In 2019, God led Pastor Atwood to join our staff. He is a tremendous help to Pastor Trieber in both the church and the college ministry. He is married to Aimee, and they have three boys — Will, Connor, and Jack.
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