If you are reading this article, you are probably attending church. You may or may not be in the ministry. Maybe your church attendance is not what you wish it would be, but you do attend. Some of you may have spent a lifetime in church, while others are still new to the faith. I challenge you to think back to someone who encouraged you along the way—someone who had an impact on your life—and contact that person. Tell them that they made a difference. Let them know that you are still living for Jesus and that you are grateful for their impact.
With a lifetime in church, there have been many who have influenced my life. I wonder from time to time; do they know that I still think about the songs we sang or the moments they encouraged me? The Christian life is not one of ease—this is why we are called soldiers. People come in and out of your life, and if we are not careful, we will listen to the whispers of the wicked one who tells us no one cares and nothing we do matters.
Allow me to tell you how untrue that statement is. I wish to show you by listing a few who made an impact on my life. This will not be an extensive list, that would take longer than this article would allow, but here is just a handful of names of those that made a difference in my life. Perhaps after reading this you will have a list of your own—a person who taught you something, a song, or a saying, that still echoes in your heart and mind today.
Mrs. Fleet – She was my 3rd & 4th grade Sunday school teacher. Each Sunday was special, and each Sunday, she was happy to see me. She wanted us to love Jesus with all our hearts, and she wanted us to stay away from sugar. She had little sugar-free candies she always gave out. I wanted to be just like her when I grew up. It was during this time that I began trying to earnestly read my Bible every day.
Mr. Barge – He was the principal of our little Christian school. He didn’t want us to just succeed in our academic life; he wanted us to succeed spiritually. I remember so many chapel times and songs. It was during this time that I memorized the book of Proverbs.
Mr. Carey – He was my English teacher. He taught me the rules of grammar and how to be strong during the trials of life. It was during some of my trials that I made the decision that I would follow the faith of my parents. It became my faith.
Bro. Harrell – He was my youth Pastor. He taught me to live in the book of Proverbs. He could quote a Proverb for any situation for life. He could point out biblical truths and be funny. It was the influence of this man and his wife that I realized that the ministry might be for me.
The Flints (my parents) and the Triebers (my pastor and his wife) – These two couples have taught me that faithfulness has its reward. They have taught me strength of character and that God’s mercies are new every morning.
By now, my prayer is that you have thought of someone that made a difference in your life or invested in you. One of the people from my list has already gone to Heaven; however, I plan to contact her children and let them know that I have not forgotten. What we do for Christ has a lasting impact on others, and I know this to be a fact. What an encouragement it would be to hear from someone! Would you let them know?
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Miriam Chung, Christian School Teacher
Mrs. Chung grew up around the work of the ministry and now has the privilege of teaching at the North Valley Baptist Schools. She and her husband faithfully teach young people and are a vital asset to the ministry of NVBC.
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