Welcome to Help for Today. This week, we’ve encouraged you to look behind, to look forward, to look up. And now today, I wanna encourage you with two words. Let’s look at Matthew chapter number nine, verse 36 through 38. The Bible says, “When he saw the multitudes, he was moved with compassion on them because they fainted and were scattered abroad as sheep having no shepherd.” Then saith he to his disciples, “The harvest truly is plenteous, but the laborers are few. Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest that he will send forth laborers into his harvest.”
Today’s two words, I wanna encourage you to look out. The harvest fields are white. Our world’s population’s 8 billion people and counting. And today, it seems like the laborers are fewer than ever before. So I wanna encourage you. What are you gonna do about reaching the lost with the gospel this year? I wanna encourage you to make this the very best year of personal soul winning. There are so many avenues you could do this through handing gospel tracts, through sharing your personal testimony, through going out soul winning on a weekly basis, just by talking to people as you go about your daily life.
We are to be ambassadors for Christ. We’re to be a witness. The Bible’s commanded each of us to go and to spread the good news of the gospel. And so this year I want to encourage you to look out, see who can you reach. There was a Sunday school teacher named Mr. Kimball and he was burdened for one of his students and he knew that student was kind of a troublemaker and he wasn’t behaving well in class and he was concerned for his soul. He decided he was going to go visit that student one week and he went to the place where that student worked, a shoe store, and kind of paced outside the front door and was waiting to go in and just unsure about the visit and he went in and talked to D.L. and that student responded.
Received Christ that day, and Mr. Kimball said, “I really didn’t feel like I was that great at presenting the gospel. I didn’t feel like, it was a feeble attempt,” is what he said, but yet that young man, D.L. Moody, trusted Christ that day, and because Mr. Kimball was a soul winner, D.L. Moody grew up and became one of the great evangelists. He reached and shook two continents for Christ, reached millions, and today I wanna encourage you. Who could you reach? Who’s the one that God’s placing on your heart right now that you could go out and share the gospel with today? Have a wonderful day.
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Andrew Reimers, Sunday School Director
Having grown up in a wonderful Christian home, Brother Reimers was saved at an early age. After high school, he moved from Meriden, Connecticut, to attend Golden State Baptist College in 2009. Following graduation, he married his wife Joy and joined the church staff as Director of North Valley Publications and the Sunday School.
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