Well, we’ve been speaking about the subject of love this week: love the Lord, love your neighbor, love your wife. How about love your children? I tell you what, those days when I had children, we had children in our home, they were happy days. We had an evening meal every night together. I believe we raised good kids from an evening table. We played together every day, we had Bible time every night. The kids knew their dad loved them and they absolutely knew their mother loved them. These are the kids that you just dropped off at kindergarten, let me tell you about those little sweet kids. They’re leaving you real soon. Before you know it, they’re gonna say, “Dad, I fell in love. I’m in college. I’m a senior. I’m gonna get married.” And they’ll be gone, and you’ll give that hand in marriage to another. Love those children.
I heard a clinical psychologist, he used to be very famous, a Christian author and a man had a radio broadcast in the 50s and 60s. Early 70s, they said by the time a child leaves your home, he should have heard 10,000 words of encouragement from a father and for a mother.
Well, that’s what love is all about. Love your children today. Have a great day.
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Pastor Trieber
Pastor Trieber has served as the pastor of the North Valley Baptist Church since March of 1976. He is also the President of Golden State Baptist College.
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