The Miracle of Christmas – Part V
The celebration of Christmas is a debated subject among Christians. In this article, Dr. Nikoley provides some history of the holiday and answers the question regarding celebrating Christmas.
The Testimony of the Trumpet
The rapture is the next event on God’s prophetic timeline, and this event is preceded by the trump of God. In this article, Pastor Justin Cooper examines the trumpet’s role in people’s lives throughout history.
No New Thing
Ecclesiastes 1:9 says, “There is no new thing under the sun.” In this article, Mrs. Joy Flint reminds us that nothing in life is new.
How to Study the Bible – Part 5
Be helped in your personal Bible study as we continue the study of how we should interpret the Bible when we read it.
The Ten Largest Sunday Schools in America and Where They Are Now
On this Sunday, we thought you might enjoy a brief history of some of the largest Sunday Schools in America during the twentieth century, what made them great, and where they are today in this video.
A Brief History of the Church Bus Ministry in America
The Bus Ministry has been unarguably the most impactful tool available to our churches within the past 60-70 years. No other ministry has seen more results in salvations and baptisms than the bus ministry has seen in just the relatively short time since its formalization. Read the fascinating account of the history of the bus ministry.
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