Walk in Truth
Join us in walking in truth today, just like 3rd John verse 4 reminds us. As a pastor and shepherd, the greatest joy is to see our church and family walking in truth. Don’t get sidetracked or sidestepped, stay focused on the path of truth. #Help4Today
A Charge to Continue
It’s so important in this generation that we stay on a proven path that’s been tried and found true. In this brief article, Pastor Cooper shares what “old-time religion” really means.
Building Internal Character – Part 1
Dr. Nikoley provides the first of three areas of life that we need to build character in this article.
Building Internal Character – Introduction
In this article, Dr. Hans Nikoley begins a study that focuses on three areas to build our internal character.
The LORD Is Good – The Enfolding Strength of His Goodness
In part 7 of the series, “The Lord Is Good,” Bro. Craig Burcham concludes this Bible study writing about the ultimate power of God. Read this brief article and receive great comfort in knowing that the Lord is truly good.
Seeking the Truth
We live in a day of misinformation, and the truth can be hard to find. Mrs. Sandie Slye reminds us where we can find the truth in this brief article.
Treasures of the House of God
God has given us a treasure in the local church, and there are treasures to be had in church attendance. Pastor Cooper gives three points and illustrations to bring this truth to light.
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