I am missing silverware. When I say silverware, I mean flatware or utensils, but I am missing quite a bit, and that is not the only strange part about this conundrum. I seem to have added some that do not match my set. Almost 20 years ago, right before I got married, I bought a silverware set at one of those discount department stores. It was a set of 12, with serving utensils and three spoon sizes. Three! I could not imagine needing all these items, let alone all at once, but we needed silverware.
Perhaps you are speculating on how our family has lost so many utensils. Allow me to give you some clues: only one move, two kids, and countless (and I cannot count) gatherings, baby showers, and bridal showers. Sixteen years ago, God allowed us to move into the church neighborhood. It was God, but that is another story. Our little family decided to use the house God gave us to be a blessing whenever we could. Through the years, I collected things to help with hosting parties: folding chairs, folding tables, drink dispensers, platters, décor, and the list goes on and on. Around this time, we began missing a fork or spoon, but never on a noticeable level.
I also seemed to gain a serving spoon or dish towel here and there. At the end of each event, I would try to match the forgotten item with someone who attended. And so, the saga of the missing silverware continues.
With each event, memories were created, friends felt loved by those around them, and the prayer from so long ago was again answered. Our little house was being used to be a blessing. We have an odd collection of silverware; it doesn’t matter, they are just things. The things God gives us are not just for ourselves, but rather that we might be a help or blessing to someone else. I am missing silverware, and I even have a few that don’t match, but this is just a blessing.
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Miriam Chung, Christian School Teacher
Mrs. Chung grew up around the work of the ministry and now has the privilege of teaching at the North Valley Baptist Schools. She and her husband faithfully teach young people and are a vital asset to the ministry of NVBC.
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