The Blessing of Missing Silverware
Uncover the delightful saga of missing silverware and the blessings that come in disguise.
Make Every Day a Jericho Day
The Israelites failed at the battle of Ai because they relied on the victory of Jericho to carry them through. Mrs. Chung issues a warning on the dangers of self-reliance in this article.
Three Mighty Men
The account of David’s mighty men securing a drink of water for him from the well of Bethlehem is a familiar account. Bro. Craig Burcham examines these men’s actions and shows what we can do in our lives for the glory of God.
7 Marks of a Bonafide Believer
Throughout the Bible, God uses various terms to describe His people. In this article, Pastor Cooper provides seven defining words that characterize the Christian in II Timothy 2.
Six Dangers of the Servant of God
As servants of God, there are many things that can get us sidetracked from doing His work. Pastor Cooper takes us through the story of the unnamed servant in I Kings and shows us several dangers we must watch out for.
Parable of the Pond
Churches are populated with three different kinds of Christians, and Bro. Carey illustrates what these three groups are in this article.
The Man That God Uses
God uses people from different backgrounds, different cultures, different social brackets, and different ages. However, there are five traits that will be found in every individual that God greatly uses as explained by Pastor Cooper in this article.
Be Not Weary in Well Doing
Are you becoming weary as you live and work for the Lord? Dr. Hans Nikoley reminds us of the admonition by the Apostle Paul not to be weary in well doing.
Be Strong and of Good Courage in 2021
In these days of uncertainty and turmoil, Dr. Hans Nikoley reminds us that with God we can be strong and courageous.
Christmas in Philippians
We are all familiar with the Christmas story but in this article, Bro. Obstaculo reveals an important passage that is not often associated with Christmas but gives important insight about our Saviour.
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