Pastor and I were so blessed to raise our children at North Valley. Our children, as you know, are now grown and married with children of their own. Pastor and I will be the first to tell you that we would have enjoyed a few “do-over” days. That didn’t happen for us, though, and it certainly isn’t going to happen for you. This IS the show; it is not a dress rehearsal.
It has been said: “Home is where one starts from.” Every day, we make deposits into the memory banks of our children. What will your children remember about you? Wouldn’t it be great if we could have a practice run with our children and be able to correct all of our mistakes the second time around?!?
Here are a few thoughts that might be a help to you as you are in the midst of rearing children:
1. To train up a child “in the way he should go,” travel that way yourself once in a while.
2. Children have more need of models than of critics. Remember the old adage: “Don’t do as I say; do as I do.” Let me remind you: little eyes are constantly watching you. Give them godly training, not angry commands.
3. Surround your children with good books and good music. Be very aware of social media!
4. Make your home a happy place to be. Be careful with negative and critical spirits.
5. Encourage your children to memorize Scripture at an early age. Establish a family devotion time. Teach your children something from God’s Word every day.
6. Teach your children to enjoy work!
7. Be generous with praise! By the time your children leave your home, they should hear hundreds and hundreds of words of praise.
8. Make a huge deal out of family celebrations and traditions. Give your children links to their past and help them to take pride in their family name.
9. Teach independence and self-reliance. Help children learn to make decisions. Nothing is sadder to watch than an adult who cannot make decisions! Pastor and I witness this all the time.
10. Welcome your children’s friends to your house. I wanted to make our house a gathering place for their friends.
11. Help your children learn how to handle disappointment. Disappointments are part of life. Children need to learn how to handle them.
12. Make your marriage a model that your children will want to emulate.
13. Every day is a training day. The training of our children has to be so regular and consistent that it becomes part of us.
14. In the midst of training our children, we can never lose sight of their hearts!
15. Pray you can release your child/children into God’s hands. We can’t parent them alone; we must partner with God in raising the children that He has entrusted into our care.
16. You must NEVER give up on your kids. Trust that your children are not destined for trouble.
17. It is important to remember that, although your family is growing, your children will one day leave home; and it will again be just the two of you. You must continue to work on the marriage relationship; otherwise, when your nest is empty, you will look at each other with a weird “Who are you?” kind of look. Pastor and I have counseled couples whose marriages struggled after the children left because the husband and wife didn’t take the time to keep the relationship with one another of utmost importance.
18. Remember that your children are God’s reward to you, no matter what it may feel like at times.
19. Trust that God hears every prayer you utter for your children.
20. When you do what is right, your children will be blessed as well as your children’s children. (Those grandbabies are worth everything you put into the training of your children!)
May God bless you as you raise your children for His glory.
Click here for 10 more tidbits for raising children from Mrs. T
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Cindie Trieber, Pastor’s Wife
Born into a pastor’s home in Rockford, Illinois, Cindie (Swanson) Trieber has been in or around the Gospel ministry her entire life. She was married to Jack Trieber in 1972. For over 45 years of ministry, Mrs. Trieber has served in almost every capacity imaginable. Currently, the Triebers have three children and thirteen grandchildren.
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