I have the amazing privilege to teach media classes right here at Golden State Baptist College in the Media Lab. And every semester, I try to challenge my students with this thought that really has been my personal mission statement. And that is to do everything to the best of my ability and to the glory of God.
I haven’t been perfect, not even close. However, I have tried to live my life with that principle, to do everything to the best of my ability and to the glory of God. And this week, I want to take that statement taken from Ecclesiastes 9-10 and apply it to our lives. And I hope it will be a help and a blessing to you.
But as we begin this week, may I ask you, what are you doing for the Lord? What are you doing for the ministry, for the church, and for God this week? May we do everything to the best of our ability and to the glory of God. And I trust that this week will be a blessing to you here on Help For Today.
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Mike Moyer, Media and IT Director
Brother Moyer finished his undergraduate degree at Golden State Baptist College in 2000. After earning his master’s degree in 2001, he joined our staff in the graphic design department. He now oversees all the ministry technology, which has grown to include all ministry websites, live streaming, Revival Time radio broadcast, KNVBC Radio, IT Department, sound ministry, and much more.
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