The verse I want to give you today is Matthew 6 and verse number 19. “Lay not up for yourselves treasure on earth, where moth and rust are corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal and destroy, but lay up for yourselves treasure in heaven.”
I’m undoubtedly speaking to people today that have been investing in the work of God. For many of you, it’s been a lifetime. You’ve been making deposits in the bank of heaven, laying up treasures in heaven.
A man had passed away as the hearse was pulled away from the cemetery. They had laid the body in the ground. Someone said, “I wonder how much he left.” As someone else said, “He left everything. He left everything.”
You’re not taking some things to heaven. Your bank accounts, you don’t take to heaven unless you’ve banked up there. Let’s this week lay up things. Let’s this day lay up whatever we can and invest it in heaven through the New Testament local church. God bless you.
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Pastor Trieber
Pastor Trieber has served as the pastor of the North Valley Baptist Church since March of 1976. He is also the President of Golden State Baptist College.
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