Who can I help today? Well, how about poor people? Here are the disciples coming into that temple, and they saw this man laying there and he asked for something, and they said, “Silver and gold have I none.” Well, you know, perhaps today you don’t have anything to give. Maybe the silver’s run dry. Maybe the gold’s run dry. These men were in the ministry. They had no extra money, but they said, “Such as I have given to thee.”
You can give something to the poor people today. You can give a word of encouragement. I’ve been singing all this week, “If I can help somebody as I travel on. If I can help somebody with a word or with a song, then my living will not be in vain.” I want to help children today. I want to help the elderly today, and I want to help poor people. Let’s figure out ways today that we can be an encouragement to the people that are around us, that perhaps are poor. Blessed is he that consider the poor. (Psalm 41:1) Have a great day.
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Pastor Trieber
Pastor Trieber has served as the pastor of the North Valley Baptist Church since March of 1976. He is also the President of Golden State Baptist College.
That’s exciting to Good pastor and servant of the living God… wishing you well as you endeavor in extending the kingdom… following you from Kenya here Nyamira county….be praying for my ministry also that the burden that God has placed in me shall bring fruit of getting more souls turned to Jesus