On this last day of the week here for Help for Today, we’ve been going through a mission statement that God gave me, taken from Ecclesiastes 9:10, “to do everything to the best of my ability and to the glory of God.” And that has been my mission statement for over two decades now, a personal mission statement. But God gave me a little extra piece to add on to the end of that. And within the last five, 10 years, I’ve had to add this one on, “while being a blessing to others.”

You see, if I’m not careful, I’ll just wanna do everything to the best of my ability and I’ll try to do it to the glory of God, but I’ll take no regard to others and I’ll just be like a bull in a china closet and just go and do my thing and try to do it. But you know what? I need to be conscientious of others. I need to make sure I’m being a blessing to others. I need to not just be so focused and so determined on getting my project or doing everything to the best of my ability, but I need to pay attention to others around me and make sure that I’m being a blessing to others as well.

And so today, do everything to the best of your ability and do it to the glory of God and would you be a blessing to others while doing it? And I need to remind myself of that constantly. And I trust that this week has been a help to you on Help For Today.

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Mike Moyer, Media and IT Director

Brother Moyer finished his undergraduate degree at Golden State Baptist College in 2000. After earning his master’s degree in 2001, he joined our staff in the graphic design department. He now oversees all the ministry technology, which has grown to include all ministry websites, live streaming, Revival Time radio broadcast, KNVBC Radio, IT Department, sound ministry, and much more.