Be Vigilant
In our Christian life, we must be on guard for the attacks from the evil one. Mrs. Sandie Slye reminds us of the two weapons that will protect us.
Why We Have Pastors’ & Workers’ Conference
Do you need encouragement? Do you need a challenge in your Christian life? Do you need a revival of your spirit? Then you need to register today for our annual Pastors’ and Workers’ Conference.
What Are You Afraid Of?
Fear is a common emotion among people today; in this article, Mrs. Flint shares five unprofitable fears for the Christian.
Cultivating a Biblical Perspective
Do your present circumstances of life cause you to doubt that God hears your prayers or cares about your trials and troubles? Here, Pastor Evertson reminds us of God’s unfailing love and care for each one of His children.
Training New Workers for Sunday School
As a church or Sunday School ministry grows, the need for workers in the church increases as well. Bro. David Sloan shares three tips for training new workers in this article.
Watch NVBC’s Winter Revival
God used Pastor Cooper to deliver powerful, soul-stirring messages during the Winter Revival at the North Valley Baptist Church, and you can watch each of the services.
The Black Eye of Backsliding
A Christian cannot lose his sonship, but he can lose fellowship with the Father. Pastor Cooper shares three truths about backsliding in this article.
A Teacher, A Link
Mrs. Miriam Chung explains the need to be connected to the right source in order to be a successful conduit in this article.
You Do The Math
Sometimes things just don’t add up in the Christian life. We cannot always explain how God takes care of those who faithfully tithe, but we can always explain that He does.
Partakers of His Holiness
Our Lord is perfect in holiness, and in Hebrews 12:10, he tells us that He chastens us so that we may become like Him and be partakers of His holiness.
Three Truths of Successful Soul Winning
Do you need some help sharing the Gospel? Pastor Cooper presents three truths to help you be a successful soul winner.
Ministering to Your Missionaries
In this article, a veteran missionary shares some very insightful suggestions for how we can minister to our missionaries around the world.
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