Unbeatable Combinations
Jeremiah was persecuted for faithfully proclaiming God’s Word in his day. In this article, Dr. Hans Nikoley reminds us of how God protected His faithful servant then and will still do the same for His faithful servants today.
Praise The Lord
In these days of shutdown, we might find ourselves complaining about our circumstances, but here Mrs. Sandie Slye reminds us that we are to praise the Lord at all times.
A Time to Plant
Just as Adam and Eve’s first task was to manage their garden, God has given each of us our own fields of influence to plow and plant. Bro. Carey reminds us to plant our “crops” with eternity in view.
They Shall Know
God’s Word is a great source of comfort in times of trial. Here, Mrs. Miriam Chung tells how she found comfort in this blessed Book.
Every born-again believer has the privilege of being a member of God’s family. In this article, Bro. Oxendine examines some adoption rights that we receive from the Lord through the process of adoption.
Creating a Happy Home
“Home is the nicest word there is.” –Laura Ingalls. Can your family say this about your home? In this article, Mrs. Tabitha Fanara gives us some practical tips for creating this type of home.
The Matter of Forgiveness
Have you ever been wronged by someone, or have you ever wronged another person? The truth is, we have all wronged someone else or have been wronged by someone else. In some cases, it’s hard to forgive and forget when we’ve been wronged. In this article, Bro. Craig Burcham explains what it means to truly forgive someone who has wronged you.
Learning through Failure
Have you ever been frustrated with yourself after a personal failure? In this article, Miss Charlene Ilan shares a lesson she learned after experiencing failure in her life.
“Restart” This Autumn
Regardless of where we find ourselves at the end of each season, we should take careful inventory of our lives and ministries and determine if an area requires restarting. In this article, Pastor Trieber explains how each new season is an opportunity for a fresh, new start in many areas.
Holy, Holy, Holy
On this Sunday, we hope you are blessed by Bro. Alvin Martinez singing, “Holy, Holy, Holy.”
The Right Tools
Just as work requires specific tools to be completed, teaching calls for many methods to be used. Bro. Jim Carey explains how to sharpen teaching tools and be ready to add new ones where needed.
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