A Measuring Stick for Music
Music is one of the most difficult subjects in which to establish scriptural boundaries for the believer. Some say it is just a personal preference or an opinion. Bro. Waterhouse shows us a biblical measuring stick for setting boundaries in our music.
Standing in the Battle
What do you do when you are standing in a battle you don’t want to fight? Bro. Burcham shows us three things we can do when the situation looks bleak.
Four Things Mary Had That Martha Needed
Have you ever been exhausted, resentful, envious, or filled with anxiety when you think of all you have to do for your family, home, and/or ministry? Joy Flint takes a look at the lives of Mary and Martha and teaches four important lessons all ladies need to know.
The Best Gift
The annual challenge of finding the perfect Christmas gift for your loved one can be a daunting task. Pastor Cooper tells us the greatest gift we can give to our family–and it’s free!
It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year
It’s the most wonderful time of the year…Or is it?! The Christmas season can be such an enjoyable time for families, but if we are not careful, it can also be filled with stress. Mrs. Trieber gives ladies six tips to de-stress and make this the “most wonderful time” for your home.
The Unseen Wind
“It is the unseen wind that drives the ship, not the lofty sail.” Though the sail is visible to all and is vital for the ship to proceed, it would go nowhere without the unseen wind to drive it. The same can be said about many aspects of life, like those who serve faithfully and unnoticed.
Attitude Determines Altitude
Life throws us a curveball every now and again, and it’s not only a bowl of cherries but oftentimes, life is the pits! Things happen that are difficult, but it is during those times we must keep the right attitude.
My Dreams for My Young Child
The Coopers prayed for many years for a child, and God miraculously answered their prayer. “Our son was a dream and a prayer of mine. I thought I would share with you some of my dreams and prayers for him.”
Three Marks of the Master’s Ministry
Jesus is the perfect example of leadership, and the Master is our model for the Christian life and ministry. Pastor Cooper examines three marks of Jesus’ ministry that need to be applied in our ministries.
Overcoming a Spirit of Hopelessness
The spirit of hopelessness is sweeping the country and has invaded the New Testament local church. Pastor Trieber looks at where despair comes from and what we can do to conquer this stronghold.
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Success Through the Scriptures
There are many ideas on what the key to success is in life. Pastor Cooper shows us what the Bible has to say about success and what we can do in order to obtain it.
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