We’re in the midst of the Harvest Time Fall Campaign here at the North Valley Baptist Church, and we’ve been talking about what campaigns do for our church. Not only does it bring a new life, not only does it bring in new visitors, not only does it bring back people in attendance, we also know what it does. It gets people to put their hands to the plow. It gets people to work. It gives people another an additional opportunity of service.

Some different things that we have here at the church going on, we have at the very end of our campaign, we have Roundup Sunday. And that’s one of our favorite terms, not only because we get to wear jeans in church, I’ll tell you that right now, but we also get to have a carnival. We get to do a lot of things. And you know, it gets people to work. It gets people to go out not only on Saturday, on Super Saturdays, to invite people to come to church and to get people out on the bus routes and to get people to work and to serve at the concession stands at the carnival and different things, but it also brings in unity.

It brings in, we have a common goal. We know what we’re trying to do. We know what we’re trying to get accomplished. It lets us come together as a church in unity, as in like-mindedness, going for an opportunity, going for the goal, trying to complete something, trying to do something around the church for the work of the ministry. And so campaigns allow us and give us an opportunity of service.

You know it’s incredible that responsibility and giving people responsibility, responsibility breeds fulfillment. Not only to fulfill that responsibility, to complete that responsibility, to finish that responsibility, but fulfillment of responsibility gives us fulfillment in life.

You know that’s sometimes why people go ahead and they don’t have any direction in life. They don’t know where they’re going. They don’t know what they’re doing. Why? Because they have no responsibility. Nobody’s counting on them to pay the bills. Nobody’s needing them to provide for a family. Nobody’s counting on them to fulfill an area of responsibility. So why? So what do they do? They have no direction. They have no joy. They have no fulfillment.

In an area of responsibility, giving people responsibility allows them to fulfill that area until eventually… have fulfillment in life. When I complete areas of responsibility, when I do something nice for my wife, you know what I feel inside? I feel pretty good. Yes, it was a lot of work, and yes, it was a lot of effort, but I feel like I’m doing something with my life. I feel like it’s a help, and I feel like there’s something going on that I enjoyed doing it. Yes, it was a lot of work, and yes, it was an effort, but I enjoy it, because it was something that I now feel fulfilled, and that’s the exact same thing that happens in campaigns.

When you give people an area of responsibility, it brings people to the work so that they also can feel fulfilled in the work of the ministry.

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Luke Flood

Luke Flood, Bus Director

Luke Flood serves on staff as the bus director and is responsible for seeing hundreds of people in church on a weekly basis. He is a true product of North Valley Baptist Church. Having grown up in a wonderful Christian family, he attended North Valley Baptist Schools from kindergarten through twelfth grade. After graduation, he attended Golden State Baptist College where he earned both his bachelor’s and master’s degrees.