The Man That God Uses
God uses people from different backgrounds, different cultures, different social brackets, and different ages. However, there are five traits that will be found in every individual that God greatly uses as explained by Pastor Cooper in this article.
Be Not Weary in Well Doing
Are you becoming weary as you live and work for the Lord? Dr. Hans Nikoley reminds us of the admonition by the Apostle Paul not to be weary in well doing.
Look to the Hills
In this article, look to the hills with Bro. Craig Burcham to find the help you need for today.
Thoughts on Conversion
The author takes us through Psalm 40 and shows us how this passage mirrors our lives when we were saved.
Be Strong and of Good Courage in 2021
In these days of uncertainty and turmoil, Dr. Hans Nikoley reminds us that with God we can be strong and courageous.
Going to See the Son
The story of Isaac and Rebekah in Genesis 24 may be a familiar one to us, but the author shows us what this passage teaches us about our relationship with Christ.
There Is Hope
Many of us are feeling as if we are living in the most hopeless days of our lifetime, however, Mrs. Slye reminds us through Scripture and song, that there is hope in Christ.
Reasons for Seeking Resolution
There will be times when even Christian brethren have conflicts. In this article, Pastor Cooper provides five clear reasons to seek resolutions quickly.
Fueled By Failure
The book of Joshua contains both victory and defeat. In this article, the author shows us the story of the Gibeonites and how to properly respond to failure in our life.
What’s Next?
It is easy to hop from one big event to the next, but the Bible tells us that stillness is an important part of the Christian life. Are you taking time each day to have a quiet time with God?
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