The Blessed Life
Psalm 1:1-3 – Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful. But his delight is in the law of the LORD; and in his law…
Deny, Take Up, and Follow
Many of us live life with great burdens on our shoulders. In this article, the author shows us how we can continue following Christ even with our burdens.
Treat It Like It’s His!
What can sharing toys with siblings teach us about the Christian life? Miss Brittany Sears shares a helpful lesson that she learned from her childhood experiences.
The Contrasting Christ–Our Complete Christ!
In this encouraging article, Pastor Justin Cooper reminds us that Jesus is everything and can meet our every need.
Thank You, 2020
In this Thanksgiving season, do you have trouble finding reasons to be thankful for 2020? Charlene Ilan gives us some reasons she is thankful for 2020.
Are You a Nominal Christian? – Part 2
In part 2, Bro. Nikoley addresses and gives four reasons for God’s judgment against Moab.
The Greatest News for Man
In a day of bad news, it’s always a blessing to hear a good report. In this article, Pastor Cooper shares the best news you’ll ever hear.
Are You a Nominal Christian?
Dr. Hans Nikoley asks this thought-provoking question, giving us the telltale signs and also the biblical remedy.
The Speaking Blood
Here Bro. Craig Burcham compares the blood of Abel and the blood of Jesus Christ. While Abel’s blood speaks of death, the blood of Jesus Christ life everlasting.
A Recipe for Blessings
Just as recipes have certain necessary ingredients, so the blessing of our Lord requires certain behavior. In this brief article, Mrs. Chung shares the biblical recipe for God’s blessings.
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