A Clean Stall or Great Increase?
Have you ever thought to yourself, “My life would be easier if I didn’t have to do (insert ministry here).”? Pastor Evertson shows us a different perspective that we can learn from Proverbs 14:4 on the subject of laboring.
Qualities of a Good Music Leader
Those in a position of leadership should possess all six of these characteristics, whether you lead the music program or the nursery. How many of these describe your life?
A Week in the Life of a Pastor
Pastor Atwood examines six areas in a pastor’s week. Mastery of these areas can help a pastor to have a productive and profitable week. However, any person can be helped by five of these points as we endeavour to redeem the time God has entrusted to us.
Convicted to Give
How do you respond to the prompting of the Holy Spirit? The author recounts a church service where a visitor made an impact by obeying the Spirit.
Take Heed to Your Spirit
Do you have a good spirit? What does having a good spirit mean? Pastor Trieber lists four prevailing attitudes of a good spirit that all Christians can have.
Satisfied Spiritually
We can accomplish much for Christ if we become more concerned with spiritual needs than physical ones. The author gives us 3 ingredients that can satisfy us spiritually.
What About the Bible?
Once more the clouds of doubt seem to be sweeping across the ranks of Fundamentalism concerning the King James Bible. The author shows how we can place confidence in the KJV and explains why it is the preserved, inspired Word of God.
Six Desirable Attributes of a Servant of God
Do you want to be an effective servant of God? Pastor Cooper shows us biblical qualities of a good servant that we can learn from an unnamed man of God in I Kings.
2020 Vision for Your Sunday School Class
With the New Year comes new opportunities for growth. 2020 can be a year of tremendous growth for your Sunday school ministry. The author shows us several areas of the Sunday School ministry in which we can set goals for the New Year.
Necessities of a Good Church Database
If you are involved in dealing with people at your church at any level, you probably have a database to help you. How do you properly maintain your database? What kind of information should you keep? The author answers those questions and more to help you maintain a good church database.
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