Once upon a time, tens of years ago, mankind walked around each day and never knew the number of steps that he or she had taken. Now, in a much more advanced society, we have devices that tell us how many steps we have taken. These devices even give gentle reminders to get up and walk. Such devices even try to encourage you by showing how much you walked a previous day and comparing it to how little you moved today. Walking is important and has been proven to be a help in almost every area of our physical life. But how about your spiritual life, how much have you been walking lately? I would be fascinated and frightened at the thought of a device that could measure and show my spiritual walk. Some days, I am up early and in the Word, and I find phrases and points in scripture that I have failed to notice before. My heart is so joyful as I realize the truth I just gleaned came from my Heavenly Father. Some days, after reading and writing notes, I realize that the time has gotten away from me, and I will have to finish later that night. And some days, with a steaming cup of coffee in front of me, my eyes barely able to make out the words, I listen as God’s Word is read to me and I follow along.
Before I knew my daily step count, I never thought about it. Now that I know, I take my handy step counter everywhere I go. After a long walk, I rejoice in my endurance, and I think about when I can walk again. When I don’t get many steps in, I chide myself on my lack of effort. As with my physical steps, my spiritual ones need attention as well. For many years now, especially since my children have been out of the baby phase, I have used the schedule our church hands out to read my Bible through each year. My daily walk with the Lord is usually in the morning with a cup of coffee. This year I felt the nudge to do more, and so I am trying. I have set some goals to spend more time in God’s Word. My hope is that my spiritual walk increases with each passing year. I am sure I will have days of victory and failure in my spiritual walk as I do in my physical walk. Both are needful and must be a priority.
So, how many steps have you taken today—you know, the spiritual ones?
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Miriam Chung, Christian School Teacher
Mrs. Chung grew up around the work of the ministry and now has the privilege of teaching at the North Valley Baptist Schools. She and her husband faithfully teach young people and are a vital asset to the ministry of NVBC.
Thanks, Miriam…I needed that!! You’re awesome!